Event Safety Protocols


By Black conference organizers consider the health and safety of our conference attendees of paramount importance. Due to the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), our priority is to do everything we can to protect you, our clients, our community, and our staff as we continue to plan in person programming.

To this extent, the in-person experience at the By Black Conference will be limited to 150 attendees and we will be implementing the following recommendations from the Center of Disease-Control (CDC) regarding social distancing practices and sanitation. 


Should you plan to attend the By Black Conference in person, please review the following enhanced procedures to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19): 


Conference attendees will be required to show proof of vaccination at the time of registration by uploading or taking a photo of your CDC vaccination card. The CDC defines fully vaccinated individuals as: - 2 weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or- 2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine. The last day to receive the second shot of Moderna or Pfizer, or a single dose of Johnson and Johnson is Tuesday, September 28th in order to qualify for in person attendance.


Effective, Friday, October 1, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. Prince George’s County issued the following Mask Mandate: all persons over the age of two will be required to wear a mask in all indoor public venues and businesses in Prince George’s County, even if they are fully vaccinated. This includes, but is not limited to, restaurants, retail stores, entertainment venues, conference centers, and office settings. Some exceptions do apply, such as when an individual is actively eating or drinking or individuals who have a bona fide disability that prevents them from wearing a mask. 


Attendees will be required to check in daily at the registration desk to receive a daily health screen and credentials prior to entering the studio, lounge and meeting rooms.


All sessions held in conference rooms will be set to ensure 6 feet social distancing between seats.


Hand Sanitizing stations will be made accessible throughout our conference footprint.


All surfaces will be thoroughly cleaned with disinfectant according to the venues directions.

As the 2021 By Black Conference approaches, we will continue to update attendees with the important information needed to plan your trip to MGM National Harbor, including any changes to policies and procedures you need to know before entering the conference. Updates will be shared here on byblackconference.com and via email for those who register to attend in person.